Soil Mites deep dream

Soil Mites deep dream
Soil Mites Deep dream1
Prostigmatid soil mite deep dream AI image

Soil mites deep dream is a combination of entomology and AI art.  Mites and other microarthropods are very small and live in the soil beneath our feet.  Some are predatory like the Prostigmatid in the above image while others are herbivores or fungivores.  Please see the images below.

Soil Mites deep dream 2
Oribatid soil mite deep dream image

The above Oribatid soil mite looks “furry” in its deep dream manifestation.  AI deep dream reveals an offbeat type of abstract art that helps us experience a new awareness in our imaginations.

Soil Mites deep dream 3
Epilohmannia sp. deep dream art

Epilohmannia sp. above is also an Oribatid mite.  Its’ belly (ventral) is exposed and shows a very intricate pattern with vibrant color.

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Deep dream mushrooms image here!