Shelly Creek Adventures in Nature


Shelly Creek Adventures
Shelly Creek ravine

I love to hike in Shelly Creek ravine close to my home.  It is peaceful and quiet even though there is a major highway and city nearby.  A few steps from the concrete city and you are immersed in the deep forest ravine of Shelly Creek.  The air is fresh and the ground is soft for a lovely hike in the woods.  Go play outside.

Shelly Creek
Shelly Creek flowing down to the ocean

Shelly Creek has a large volume of water that flows down to the ocean in the winter.  During the summer months the creek disappears underground for most of the summer.  Because of this there are only a few areas that pool with enough water for fish habitat.

Maidenhair fern Adiatum aleuticum
Maidenhair fern Adiatum aleuticum

Many interesting plants and fungi grow in the creek area.  Maidenhair ferns (Adiatum aleuticum) are very green and pretty.  They are found very close to the creek which would indicate the need for moisture.

Shelley Creek bike jump
Shelley Creek bike jump

Throughout the ravine are remnants of the old mountain bike trails.  The above bike jump is situated very high above the ravine.  Some of the jumps have been repaired in the last year but they still need some work before they are usable.  It would have be great to watch the riders use these jumps and get some air time!

Jack Russell Shelly creek
Jack Russell Shelly creek

Shelly Creek adventures in nature would be no fun without a canine companion.  Russell is always in the creek when the weather is hot or when it is not!

In conclusion I hope you find your little local nature hide away and enjoy the healthy benefits of Mother Nature.

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