Ghost Pipe Plant Deep Dream

Ghost Pipe deep dream blue
deep dream psychedelic image
Ghost Pipe Plant Deep Dream

A weekly deep dream session featuring ghost pipe plant deep dream images.  This plant is strange to begin with and then you add a little artificial intelligence.  Amazing psy-nature images.

Ghost Pipe deep dream charcoal
deep dream “charcoal” setting

These interesting ghost pipe plants live in deep woods and they are rare.  Most of the plant is below the surface with only the flowers and stems rising above the earth.

Ghost Pipe plant deep dream coral
Deep dream coral effect

I love the way deep dream apps morph their subjects to create very unusual and unique abstracts.  This coral or bone setting really brings out the detail.  Monotropa uniflora is an artists dream plant.

Ghost pipe plant deep dream garden
deep dream abstract garden

Lots of gardens in bloom right now on Vancouver Island my home.  The above image creates a deep dream garden of abstract ghost pipe plant flowers.  Almost looks like a stained glass panel.

Ghost pipe plant deep dream trip
awesome but a little bit trippy deep dream image

The flowers of the ghost pipe plant take on an alien appearance with this deep dream image.  It really helps you to believe that the woods are alive!  Take a walk in the deep woods and get inspired by the unique nature that surrounds you!

Original ghost pipe plant here!