Terrace beach sunset
Nature is an amazing place to spend time especially for a Terrace Beach sunset! After a wonderful day hiking the Wild Pacific Trail we took another walk to the beach for this spectacular sunset.

Terrace Beach is located in the town of Ucluelet on the Pacific Rim of Canada. It is a wonderful place during the day for beach-combing, paddle boarding or just to enjoy the sun and surf. The sunsets are fabulous here and I am thankful to see this particular one.

Fall is the time for many different colors especially during sunset. Chill out on the beach and enjoy the atmospheric peacefulness. The moment of the sun setting had an ethereal presence about it.

Enjoying a sunset is easy everywhere so take the time to catch one in your nature areas. You will be happier that you did because nature is the mirror image of spiritual reality. Being in nature makes you feel better!
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Wickaninnish beach in Pacific Rim National Park here
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