A continuation into the realm of Artificial Intelligence and nature – combining in this Birds in Deep Dream 2 compilation. Dreamscope has a wonderful preset called “cave paint” ! I am thankful to them for creating such an interesting art program.
Down at the beach this seagull is cave-painted into an furry and comfortable environment. It’s surreal but somewhat real!
A weekly deep dream session featuring ghost pipe plant deep dream images. This plant is strange to begin with and then you add a little artificial intelligence. Amazing psy-nature images.
These interesting ghost pipe plants live in deep woods and they are rare. Most of the plant is below the surface with only the flowers and stems rising above the earth.
I love the way deep dream apps morph their subjects to create very unusual and unique abstracts. This coral or bone setting really brings out the detail. Monotropa uniflora is an artists dream plant.
Lots of gardens in bloom right now on Vancouver Island my home. The above image creates a deep dream garden of abstract ghost pipe plant flowers. Almost looks like a stained glass panel.
The flowers of the ghost pipe plant take on an alien appearance with this deep dream image. It really helps you to believe that the woods are alive! Take a walk in the deep woods and get inspired by the unique nature that surrounds you!
Soil mites deep dream is a combination of entomology and AI art. Mites and other microarthropods are very small and live in the soil beneath our feet. Some are predatory like the Prostigmatid in the above image while others are herbivores or fungivores. Please see the images below.
The above Oribatid soil mite looks “furry” in its deep dream manifestation. AI deep dream reveals an offbeat type of abstract art that helps us experience a new awareness in our imaginations.
Epilohmannia sp. above is also an Oribatid mite. Its’ belly (ventral) is exposed and shows a very intricate pattern with vibrant color.
I hope you have enjoyed this post and if you liked it please share with your friends. Thank you for visiting and have a great day! 🙂
I have been creating some birds in deep dream art using the cave paint settings on Dreamscope. Almost a tribal feel to the photos now. The Stellar’s Jay is now nestled in an AI world filled with safari color references.
Eagles blend in nicely with the cave paint setting. The interpretation by the AI program really enhances the textures and blends the images well. I really enjoy the perceptions of the AI deep dream. It has taken nature photography to a whole new level!
Chaster Falls Inception is perfect deep nature for a deep dream artificial intelligence image. You never really know what kind of creatures are present in nature and the deep dream application brings them out for you to see! Keep in mind that these are not real lifeforms but they have been created by computers that are sensitive to Elemental vibrations.
Created using Dreamscope and Deep Dream GeneratorAI apps.
Taking nature back to an Elemental dream scape. Deep forests reveal hidden treasures!
The original Chaster Falls photo above has many elements that has helped to create an interesting deep dream image. Obviously deep nature photography is going to give you the best results. Besides being in so remote a location this waterfall is bursting with all that we admire in nature – good vibes and conscious healing qualities.
Take a hike in nature and enjoy all the goodness that comes out. We need this natural energy to grow and heal so that we become all that we can be. I find such inspiration in nature that it is impossible for me to live in a large urban center. Find some Zen time in the wilderness and feel better for it!
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