Aquasonic New Music Release

Aquasonic New Music Release
New Electronic Music Release
New Music Release

I am very excited to announce my New Music Release of “Aquasonic”.  This song captures the essence of my “watery” Pisces personality.  Try some glitch hop, chillstep electronic music … complete with down tempo grooves and then coupled with organic-infused electronic beats.

I hope you enjoy my new song and I would be so grateful if you could please share it with your friends. Thanks for your support!

Peace and love

Nora  🙂

Ecotones organic techno here




Astral beaches

Astral beaches 1
Astral beaches beauty
Astral Beaches Space Photos

I found an interesting App that makes beach photos into Astral Beaches.  This space photo app is easy to use and creates some amazing surreal images.

Astral beaches 2
Beach space photo

I love to hang out at the beach. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to hang out on some of these cosmic beaches!

Astral beaches 3
psychedelic beach

The above astral beach is in a psychedelic state of being.  This beach would be for people who needed a vibrant and colorful vacation or place to hang out.   I would think that this beach would be popular with the psytrance tribes.

I hope you have enjoyed my space art creativity.  Please share with your friends if you like and thanks for your support!  Nora 🙂

Parksville beach psychedelic here!

Black Lab Nature

Black Lab Nature

Always happy to get outside with my best friend and share some black lab  nature with you.

Black Lab Nature 1
Black Lab at West Coast beach

The wild and natural beaches of the West Coast of Canada are perfect for a game of fetch.

Black Lab Nature 2
Spider Lake swim

Labrador dogs love the water. Swimming in Spider Lake is a real treat!  The water is clean and cool just the way dogs love it in the summer months.

Black Lab Nature 3
Parksville beach time

Wading in the warmer waters at Parksville beach is spa treatment for a lab dog who loves the water!

Go Play Outside with your Dog!

Englishman River walk here!

Surfing at Pacific Rim National Park

Surfing Pacific Rim National Park
Surfing at Pacific Rim National Park
Surfing at Pacific Rim National Park

A beautiful fall surfing experience in Pacific Rim National Park.
Celebrating Canada’s 150 birthday all year on the ocean waves.
This is a true nature experience on the edge of the Pacific rainforest.
I hope to make it back here real soon! 🙂

Surfing at Florencia Bay
Surfing at Florencia Bay

Lots of beach time at Florencia Bay located in the Pacific Rim National Park.  Plenty of surfers below, enjoying the beach waves.

Surfing Wild Pacific Coast
Florencia Bay surfers

The surf is best in the winter months but gentle waves are present in all seasons.  Always check the conditions before heading out for a surf session.

Paddleboard Florencia Bay
Paddle-boarding at Florencia Bay

Another popular beach to surf at in the National park is at Wickaninnish Beach.  The beach is endless and the views are spectacular.  You can take a surf lesson here and check out the local visitor center and museum.  Life’s a beach!

Wickaninnish beach surf
Wickaninnish beach surf

Surfing at Pacific Rim is an unforgettable experience that will give you many fond memories of the incredible nature and surf.    Remember to go play outside and take your friends and family with you!

Go play outside
Go play outside at Pacific Rim National Park

Wickaninnish Beach more photos here!

More surfing on You Tube!

Rathtrevor Beach waves

Rathtrevor beach waves
beautiful nature
Rathtrevor beach waves

Rathtrevor beach waves with zen chill out vibes on this Friday at Rathrevor Provincial Park , Vancouver Island.   Meanwhile on the opposite side of this great continent to the south, hurricane Irma is ravaging everything in her path.  Stay safe my American brothers and sisters.

Moorecroft Park Nature here!

Rathrevor Beach
Rathrevor Beach

As you follow along the beach every corner is a new beautiful scene.  The beach is very quiet.  Many of the summer tourists are gone.  Nature has a chance to take over for a few months.  Particularly the beach has some much needed time for recovery.  Winter storms will wash it clean again especially at the public beach area.

Wild Pacific Trail beach cove here!

Beach Waves
Beach Waves

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I am very grateful for your support! 🙂