Soil Mites deep dream

Soil Mites deep dream
Soil Mites Deep dream1
Prostigmatid soil mite deep dream AI image

Soil mites deep dream is a combination of entomology and AI art.  Mites and other microarthropods are very small and live in the soil beneath our feet.  Some are predatory like the Prostigmatid in the above image while others are herbivores or fungivores.  Please see the images below.

Soil Mites deep dream 2
Oribatid soil mite deep dream image

The above Oribatid soil mite looks “furry” in its deep dream manifestation.  AI deep dream reveals an offbeat type of abstract art that helps us experience a new awareness in our imaginations.

Soil Mites deep dream 3
Epilohmannia sp. deep dream art

Epilohmannia sp. above is also an Oribatid mite.  Its’ belly (ventral) is exposed and shows a very intricate pattern with vibrant color.

I hope you have enjoyed this post and if you liked it please share with your friends.  Thank you for visiting and have a great day!  🙂

Deep dream mushrooms image here!

Mountain Ocean views

Mountain ocean view
Beautiful British Columbia views
Mountain ocean views over the Georgia Strait

Canadian West coast nature with an emphasis on mountain ocean views.
An especially awesome fall mountain and ocean view over the Georgia Strait.

Mount Churchill
Mount Churchill

As you can see mountains and the ocean look awesome together.  Such a contrast in height and textures.  Go play outside on Vancouver Island!

Nanoose marina
Nanoose marina views

A beautiful evening at Nanoose Bay with many mountains to look at across the Georgia Strait.  Chill out vibes at the end of the day are perfect.

Also please check out this Sunshine Coast ferry sunrise!

Thanks for visiting and please share this blog with your friends.  I am very grateful for your support!

Spider Lake fall reflections

Spider Lake fall Reflections
Beautiful fall Reflections
Spider Lake fall reflections

It was a lovely day to catch the Spider Lake fall reflections.  The water was very calm and a beautiful shade of blue.   Nature is the mirror image of spiritual reality. You can really feel that here.

This park is very peaceful and quiet – a real zen zone.  I always enjoy the fresh air and clarity of the water.

Spider Lake fall reflections
Spectacular fall scenery

This area was previously a gravel pit and now it is a fantastic recreation area for fisherman, kayaks, paddle boards, and swimmers.  It is a good example of industrial land converted back into nature!

A short drive north of Parksville in the center of Vancouver Island, makes this a great place to visit.  Nearby are the Horne Lake Caves which are equally as fun and interesting to visit.  Please check out more in my blog post below.

Also Horne Lake Adventure here!

In conclusion, thank you for visiting my blog and I am very grateful for your support.  Please share my posts with your family and friends if you think they may enjoy them.  You can also subscribe to this blog on the right hand column.

Georgia Strait views over here!

Grand Julian fractal

Grand Julian fractal
Grand Julian fractal
Grand Julian fractal

This Grand Julian fractal was created using Apophysis software. It is a very easy program to use and it creates very complex fractal art.  I am very grateful to the creators of this software and I look forward to creating more beautiful fractals for you to see.

Grand Julian Blue fractal

Above is a Grand Julian fractal in blues.  I love the cool energy that flows out of this fractal.   Good vibes are always appreciated 🙂

Have a awesome day and I hope you enjoyed my digital art.

I am very grateful for your support!

Cosmic Space Art here!

All digital art and music copyright Nora Berg.