Heritage Deep Forest Stump Mandala

Heritage deep forest stump mandala
Heritage deep forest stump mandala
Heritage deep forest stump mandala

Happy Mandala Monday vibes with Heritage deep forest stump mandala in Qualicum beach.  Mandala art works very well with nature elements.

Heritage Deep Forest Stump
Heritage Deep Forest Stump

Above, is the original Heritage deep forest stump.  Lots of artistic vibes and forest colors to make beautiful mandalas.

Deep Forest Tree Stump
Ancient  Forest Tree Stump

Above, is an ancient, old growth, gnarly tree stump from Galiano Island.  It has so much character and amazing textures for mandala art.
Below,  I created Ancient Forest Tree Stump digital art.

Deep Forest Tree Stump Mandala art
Ancient Forest Tree Stump digital art

Access to nature areas is very important to all Earth beings (plants, animals, mushrooms, lichens, and especially squatches).  Please enjoy nature as often as you can even if it is just the park down the street.  Your body and spirit will thank you for this!

Have an awesome week everyone and thanks for your support!

Turkey tail mushrooms mandala here



Magnetic Fields Fractals

Magnetic Fields
Magnetic Fields fractal
Magnetic Fields Fractals

Attraction or repulsion?  Magnetic Fields are everywhere and they are one aspect of electromagnetic force.   They stand as one of the fundamental forces of nature.  Scroll up and down and see the magnetic fields fractal moving!

Magnetic fields 2
psychedelic 🙂

Fractals and magnetic fields go well together.  Creating them is fun and something you could try.

magnetic Fields 3
good vibrations

Sometimes a little more color is a good thing.  Keeps the mind clear and focused!  Best therapy ever!

psychedelic particle power
psychedelic fractal art

Psychedelic particle power fractal above.  Even though quite small these particles pack a lot of power!

Earthwaves magnetic fields
Earthwaves magnetic fields

Finishing off this creative session with Earthwaves magnetic fields above.

I created this fractal using Paint shop Pro software.  Also Fractal Explorer.

In addition please see Time travel fragments fractal here

Thanks for visiting my blog!

I am very grateful for your support!

Trillium mandala

Trillium mandala
Trillium mandala
Trillium mandala

I am excited to share with you this Trillium Mandala art!  Spring has arrived.  This year at one of the local parks there were a lot of trillium flowers.  They are a lovely white color that really stands out in the underbrush of the forest.

Trillium Flower
Trillium Flower

Trillium flowers make pretty mandalas like the one below.  Natures’ fractals are eye-catching with the many shades of green.  Topped with a splash of white Trillium and you have lots of good vibes!

Thanks for visiting and please share with your friends.

I am grateful for your support.  🙂

Trillium mandala 2
Trillium flower fractal art

Please check out my Lupin Flower mandala here!

If you are interested in my graphics for your business or personal use please visit my Starfactory Graphics webpage below and email me.  I am flexible, easy to work with and I have almost 20 years web design experience since 2000.

Jamaica mandala vibes

Jamaica mandala vibes
digital fractal art

Jamaica mandala vibes

Some Jamaica mandala vibes to celebrate the beautiful summer weather we have been having!  Additionally, I love to share my fractal art to brighten your day.  There is so much stress in our world that it is nice to take a break and enjoy some digital art.

Jamaica mandala art
colorful mandala art

Jamaican colors are so vibrant and lively.  They really create a positive vibe.

Jamaica mandala digital art
digital art

Above, I created a sea star designed Jamaican colors mandala.  All those color waves are pretty cool.

I hope you have an awesome day and spread the summer vibe.   Comments are welcome and always appreciated.  🙂

Heritage forest stump mandala art here!

In the same vibe category and equally “sunny” is the following Reggaeton song that I wrote – Rude Boy Reggaeton.  This song is pure summer fun with a driving beat to keep you on the dance floor.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

I am very grateful for your support!