Aquasonic New Music Release

Aquasonic New Music Release
New Electronic Music Release
New Music Release

I am very excited to announce my New Music Release of “Aquasonic”.  This song captures the essence of my “watery” Pisces personality.  Try some glitch hop, chillstep electronic music … complete with down tempo grooves and then coupled with organic-infused electronic beats.

I hope you enjoy my new song and I would be so grateful if you could please share it with your friends. Thanks for your support!

Peace and love

Nora  🙂

Ecotones organic techno here




Deep Dive Into the Abyss New Music Release

Surfing Wild Pacific Coast
Deep Dive Into the Abyss New Music Release
Deep Dive Into the Abyss New Music Release
Deep Dive Into the Abyss New Music Release

I am very pleased to announce Deep Dive Into the Abyss New Music Release. This is my first new music release of 2018!  A pumping techno house music composition takes you to the depths of your soul and immerses you in evolving textures.  Primal beats start your deep dive into the abyss. . .

Check it out and dive in here:


Cosmic Space Fractal art

Mystical solitude, inner sanctuary

To be alone, with our thoughts

And bring to light,

The presence of happiness.

That which we seek,

Something greater than ourselves,

Begins within

Our heart and soul,

Finding its way

Through the obstacles and mazes of life.

You learn and are given

The tools for life

That give you hope that

You will do it right.

Examine the nature

In all you observe,

To live and to learn

Happy times you deserve.

Let the rhythm of life

Carry you on,

Connect effortlessly,

For now we are humble

In the presence of happiness.

Waveforms New Music Release here

I want to take the time to thank everyone for listening to my music and supporting me.  I have been composing electronic music since the early 1980’s.  In the last few years I have learned to master Pro tools computer music software.  I strive to produce the best possible electronic music for you!

I am grateful for your support and I hope my music inspires others to creative awesomeness!

peace and much love

Nora (NWB)

Life is a wave Surf nbergnet
Go Play Outside!

Alpha Centauri Cosmic Memory Mix

Alpha Centauri Cosmic Memory Mix
New techno music!
Alpha Centauri Cosmic Memory Mix

I am excited to announce my new techno music release Alpha Centauri Cosmic Memory Mix!  Out in the deep cosmos space and music merge into a deep techno experience.  In addition there is some eccentric synthesizer experimentation with evolving textures.  Together with electronic beats, emotive atmospherics create an electric universe with psychedelic vibes!

I hope you enjoy this song and please share it with your friends!

Thanks for your support!

Nora 🙂


Also Black Beauty Cosmic Nirvana mix here

Lava Heart New Music Release

New Music Release Lava Heart
New Electronic Music Release
New music release Lava Heart

Introducing to you for the first time, New Music Release Lava Heart!  Here is an electronic dance song to remind you that summer is still here in the northern hemisphere. Lava Heart is an experiment in energy and passion.  Also, I have added minimal vocal samples to bring in a human element to this house song.  Enjoy listening to my new song and if you like it please share with your friends and family.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog!  I am very grateful for your support!

Please check out Humanology New Electronic Music Release here!